Bisnisnews – Attracting clients is a bit like dating. No, you can’t present an engagement ring on your first date! There is a two-way relationship that grows step by step before it leads to the church doors. You can’t rush it…you can’t skip it…if you’re looking to fulfill a lifelong commitment.
Getting to know your history or getting to know your client takes very little time and effort. Every date’s personality and likes and dislikes are different, but clients do share some commonalities that you, the marketer, can capitalize on. Give them what they want, and they will become your loyal customers for life who make your business thrive.
1. Forget about selling… Put the focus on buying
People like to think that all their buying decisions are reached because of their great ideas and skillful shopping. Hey, no one is fond of a pushy salesman. A seller who “helps” them discover the best buy for their profit on the other hand, is a champ.
Really, when someone walks into your place of business, they’re more likely to think about making a purchase before they even get there. You don’t have to convince them to buy. You can take it easy and simply help them decide which is the best purchase.
Keep your focus on the customer and their needs. Think… what benefits might he be most interested in? What price range can he afford? Basically, keep in mind that you are there to serve his needs, not to impress him. Ah, the stress is over!
2. Make the purchase a “sure bet”
Buying is a “risky” business. The higher the price tag reading, the higher the stakes! Yes, the customer is just looking for a product that meets the needs for which he purchased it. The question they ask themselves is… “Is it worth it?”
Hey, it’s a legitimate question. The world is full of scams where you spend your hard earned money and end up with junk that doesn’t last that you can’t get enough of. Some hard lessons, let customers be wary about off-the-cuff purchases. They want something they can trust.
The money back guarantee relieves a great deal of anxiety in the mind of the consumer. There’s comfort in knowing that if a product doesn’t live up to its claims, they won’t be stuck billing you for a piece of junk.
Customer testimonials also clearly indicate to your “potential” buyers that you really are a customer satisfaction facilitator. No one can say that better than a satisfied customer, but don’t use testimonials carelessly. You need a method for your madness. Choose clear, specific testimonials to use, and include as much information about the customer as possible to lend credibility to their testimonial.
3. Let them know it’s quick and easy as 1, 2, 3
Simplicity… oh, it makes life so much easier. Yes, your tired customers are busy and tired. They don’t want to mess around. Most of the time, they just want to make the purchase and go home. Smaller shops testify to the fact that speed and ease often outweigh the best price!
Make the buying process as simple as possible. Remember that not everyone prefers the same method. The more options you have, the more clients you will like.
When you’re planning your marketing campaign, don’t forget to point out the quick, easy and fast benefits of your product. Remember, value isn’t everything.
It’s so easy to charm your customers when you know what they like! Keep these 3 techniques in mind as you take on the daunting task of growing your business and expanding your client list…and watch your profits push the boundaries.